Wednesday, 26 March 2014

SSC & Review: Mixels Cragsters 41503, 41504, 41505

>>> Here's part two of my Mixels SSC & Review - this time, it's all about the Cragsters. I'll be honest and say I found these the least inspiring when I was looking at the sets early on - too much black and grey. I did these sets second, and I'm sure you can figure out which set I kind of gave up on...

Here's the breakdown per set, assuming the sale price of AUD $5.75:

41503: Krader
66 pcs = 9c / piece

41504: Seismo
50 pcs = 12c / piece

41505: Shuff
51 pcs = 11c / piece

Again, if you buy all three sets, they average out to be just on the money (if only by rounding!).
Total: 167
Average: 55 pcs = 10.4c / piece

>>> 41503: Krader
Can you build a frame, or frames, right away? Yes = +5
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?
Below = +5 
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?
Yes = +5
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?
Yes = +5
Total = 20 pts, "A+" rating

Not a bad frame for an SSC build - it stands about as tall as a Chub. I'm going to say I've dodged my SSC curse for a change, in that there's both reasonable articulation, and some recognisable weapon systems for a change. Shame about them feets...

Micro-missile pod + Machine Guns: 2Rd + d8
Scramble-grenade Launcher: 1B
Enhanced Leg Actuators: 1G

>>> 41504: Seismo
Can you build a frame, or frames, right away? Yes = +5
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio? Above = -10
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away? Yes = +5
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts? Yes = +5

Total = 5 pts, "B+" rating

Okay - this one came out a little weird: it's a frame with stiletto heels! I've noticed that the studs on the new Mixels joints tend to be really loose - fortunately, the claw pieces fit firmly.  No obvious weapons systems to speak of - I carried over a design from one of the Electroids frames that I made first, and used the block of cheese wedges on the carapace to represent a missile Vertical Launch System.

Anti-armour VLS: 2Ra
2x Sensor Pods: 2Y
Climbing Claws: 1G

>>> 41505: Shuff
Can you build a frame, or frames, right away? Yes = +5
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio? Above = -10
If you can't build a frame right away, or choose not to, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away? Yes = +5
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts? Yes = +5

Total = 5 pts, "B+" rating

I view this as a bit of a joke, maybe on a mining colony somewhere: "Hey Steve, could you put some hutchin' armour on this frame already?" "Sure thing, Frank..." - definitely not my best work.

Flechette Launcher: 1Rh / 1Rd
Ablative Armour: 2B
Turbo Engine: 1G

Finally, let's have a group shot again:

I can't give these three sets as big a recommendation as the Infernites - both due to the parts (those ridiculous boulders!) and the drab colour scheme. Not terrible, but definitely invest in either the Electroids or Infernites first.

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